Wow. Your pursuit of the information you sought is impressive! I think posters promoting British Columbia are grand subjects for jigsaw puzzles. I'm pleased that you gave some recognition to the Salish Sea. Your photographs accompanying this essay are great. I think I'd like to own one of those DeSotos. Also, seeing today's puzzle in various stages of completion was fun.

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Thanks, Greg. The poster image inspired me to spend more time looking into its history than I ever expected. I have a lot of clues that I didn't cover because this write-up was already too long as it is. When I look at the generic cat in the poster/puzzle I still suspect that it is a '46 rather than a '47 because it doesn't have wrap-around bumpers that were all the rage by that year. One possibility is that the litho was made in '46 but, government being government, the advertising campaign was in 1947.

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